Now that I am finally here it is time to start blogging again. It is amazing how much time I have on my hands. I didn't believe that I could get bored in one day but it is possible.
On Friday I went to my school for my last day. I had the worst headache of my entire life but it was good to see the kids and the teachers one last time. Two fellow TEPers were with me observing in some of the classes. After school got over we went to the Cheesecake Factory and then the airport for my flight.
[Cheesecake Factory with Emily and Jen]

The first flight was delayed but I was able to make my connection out of Portland, OR. I wasn't able to choose my own seat when I got the ticket and I ended up sandwiched between two big men in the second to last row in the plane. That was a bummer but it is the last flight I had to take for a while so I sucked it up. I didn't really sleep on the plane. I think I am becoming immune to Tylenol PM.
My plane landed 45 min early so I had to call Miles to wake him up so he could pick me up. He ended up getting to the airport at the perfect time. I picked up my bags from baggage claim and he was right there with the car as I walked out of the airport.
We got back to Hoboken at about 6:30am. We parked the car and had to walk a few blocks with all my luggage. It was really cold out. Really cold.
I was exhausted by the time we finally got to the apartment so we crawled into bed and passed out. I slept until 11am and Miles was gone when I got up. He had study group in Newark so he was gone most of the day.
When I got up I cleaned. The apartment wasn't dirty but it was messy. Some of the boxes from when we moved here in August were not unpacked and Miles had been through them looking for who knows what...there was just stuff all over the place. I got myself unpacked and the apartment semi cleaned...
I was bored. Really bored. Miles wasn't at the apartment and I knew I didn't want to go out in the cold by myself so I stayed in and cleaned and that is just not what I am cut out for. I need a little more excitement in my life.
Miles got home around 7:30pm and we had to go out shopping for food as there was nothing in the fridge. We had pop-tarts, coke, some cheddar cheese and that was about it. said it felt like 19 degrees outside and I have to say I agree with that assessment of the cold. I was freezing not having more than my fleece and a sweatshirt. Seattle weather is always mellow. No highs and no lows.
Miles made us dinner and then I had to be quiet so I watched some TV on my computer before going to bed a little after midnight.
Oh, and our heat doesn't work in the apartment again. I have to call to get it fixed tomorrow.