Bride (Kelsey) and my brother Elias at their rehersal. The ring bearer is my littlies bother, Sam.
The next day was the wedding. I have never really understood why people don't like going to weddings by themselves and I am still as lost as I ever was. Miles wasn't there and while I would have prefered his company I had a fine time dateless. This is probably because I was really busy trying to keep the calm between my family and the bride. Kelsey (bride) is 5 months pregnant and I am attributing this to her higher than normal stress level and inability to go with the flow. On the other hand my family is large and forcefull and I completely understand how she could be pissed off when my younger brothers were climbing all over the fence with the sign that specifically says "no climbing" on church property or that fact that my dad was packing heat. Not really sure what that was about but I am not going to ask.
My brother Elias, his wife, and me...
I flew back to Seattle on the third day without Miles and it was at this point that I had my first break down. I only had an hour long flight but because my parents could only drop me off at the airport 3.5 hours early I waited around for a long time before my flight. I had been living out of my carry-on for almost a month and I was ready to be in a place that I would be living for more then a couple of weeks.
When I finally walked though my door the TV was on so without even thinking about it I turned it off. A half hour later I went to turn the TV on and NOTHING. It had worked all of a half hour ago but when I pushed the power button on the tv it would not turn on. I thought the power might be broken so I spent 15 minutes trying to find the remote to see if I could get it to work using the remote. This didn't work either. I had checked all the outlets and connections and I could not think of why it would not work. This set me off. Miles is supposed to take care of the technology and he was really far away and I missed him and not being able to solve my own problems was just a little to much.
In tears I call Miles. I was having a break down and I knew calling him would make it better. Within 5 minutes he had the TV working and while he couldn't fix his not being in the same state as me he did what was important at the time.
So, it has been 5 days and I have had 1 meltdown. At this rate I will have freaked out 22 times while we are not living together. This is not a good statistic. Here's hoping it gets easier with time.
Well, here I was thinking positive - at least you weren't having daily freak outs while Miles was gone, but 22 is a lot! You can do it!!!!
Hey Hannah,
I totally sympathize with what you're going through! I am also having to get my hands dirty and deal with my technology for the first time in 6 years. It's not fun. I have no patience for computer and internet issues. If anyone tells me one more time to try restarting my computer, that person is going to get a computer to the head.
I'm thinking we should start a support group for people like us. I mean, we spent all this time training our men and now we don't even get to reap the benefits.
Here's wishing the technology gods smiles upon you for the next few months. Good luck!
-Elissa S.
I was away from my bride-to-be for several months (almost right until the wedding day!) and it wasn't easy, but we got through it. I think it actually was helpful to both of us to live on our own for a little bit. We racked up some big phone bills (this was way back in the pre-VOIP days -- five years ago) but here we are, still happily married. Good luck!
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