Sunday, September 9, 2007

Attention to detail

2 pages. Everyone has written 2 pages before. The question is what does 2 pages mean to you? Is it double spaced? How big are the margins? Tomorrow I turn in my first memo and 2 pages couldn't possibly be more precisely defined. 26 lines per page, 12 characters or less per inch, 1 inch margins and an entire grade drop if you go so much as 1 character over. 6-8, 10-12....undergrad was all about some indiscriminate length where you really weren't punished if you came anywhere close. NOW though, now I spent an hour removing the last 2 lines of text from 2 pages of writing. I've never rewritten so many sentences just so that I could remove one stray 5-letter word here or there. I am really enjoying law school, but this exercise was like pulling teeth.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

One down... 999 to go? :)