Thursday, September 6, 2007


On a happier note, I thought I ought to express how much I'm learning every day here. Never in my academic career have I taken away so much from any given reading, class, or lecture. I still have my reservations about the usefulness of some (LOTS) of the in-class discussions, but that isn't to say that I'm not learning a great deal from even those classes. Property has recently been about how to steal other peoples stuff, including land, and get away with it. We (the lawyerly type) call it adverse possession, but I think its fair to describe it as theft by someone with a good lawyer. Say something is yours long enough, and openly, and you just might end up owning it. This is a bit of a simplistic view, but it sure does help me understand why people hate lawyers so much.

On another front, I'm almost finished writing my first memo for my Legal Research & Writing class. The writing is painful in a way, because the legal way of writing is equivalent to choppy sentences and forumlaic structure, but it is calming to know exactly how to format my paragraphs and remove any and all fluff. The best part has got to be that I get to actually write, rather than regurgitate something that someone else has written. Read, analyze, synthesize, and sure beats memorizing.

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