Finals are a bit intense. Yes, the similarity to Law School Musical is a bit disturbing. I will have a life again on December 19th, for any who haven't received a prompt reply lately.
[here is the kitchen]
[here is a picture of the perfectly functional winch thing. Notice the level locking the gear into place]
The other sign that caught my interest was a sign for a city that read “[name of city]: with more than 40 friendly businesses.” I don’t know what happens if you are not a friendly business or why you would want to advertize that you have little more than 40 businesses in your city. Do you get to be a city at this point? How spread out are these businesses? It this really all there is to North Dakota? Please let this get more interesting.
After our adventure trying to find a hotel last night we decided to get a reservation for tonight. That worked out well. We are going to try this again for tomorrow. We did have a hard time getting the internet to work. We almost took the car off the trailer so we could drive to a Starbucks to get internet as we were so frustrated trying to get online. If you knew what a pain it was to get the car on and off the trailer you would really understand how frustrated we were and how far we will go to get internet...anything so we don’t have to talk to each other. We can sit on our respective computers typing away without a word.
Just kidding. Miles and I have actually had pretty good attitudes thoughout the last day days. It was a little touch and go last night but that was understandable. I think Miles enjoys all the jokes I make about the signs and my other observations that while funny at the time have not been important enough to have stuck in my head so I could really them to you now. *fingers crossed that I can keep him laughing for the next 4 days*
Another thing that I noticed along our drive is that everything in Montana is historic. There is historic I-90, historic towns, historic forts, historic buildings, historic everything. Now we were traveling on the non-historic I-90 and from what I could see there were more log cabins than modern homes, run down farms, towns without “services”, and barren land. I am not really sure what is not historic about Montana. It all seemed pretty run down and old to me. I can only imagine what the actually “Historic” places must be like.
508 miles later we arrived in Billings. This is where we were planning to stay but the Days Inn that we found online for cheap did not have a parking lot that we could pull all the way though and as we cannot go in reverse we had to nix that plan. So, we went down the block and stopped at the Super 8 only to find out they were full. No problem. A little frustrating but there were a few other hotels down the street. So we pull up to the Comfort Inn. After waiting 10 min for the receptionist to return from fixing a broken toilet we find out that they have a room but we can’t park. Their lot dead ends. This would have been nice to know before we pulled in as it appeared to go all the way around the building. So after trying to back out (turns out you can go in reverse a few feet but it puts a lot of stress on the car trailer and should not be done) Miles figures out how to get out of the lot. We decide not to stay there because parking is too difficult. So again we go down the block to the Extended Stay American and we can’t tell if the parking lot goes all the way around but there is a huge parking lot across the street for the state troopers. We pull in their so I can run across the street and find out if they have openings and parking that can accommodate us. Miles works on turning around while I get information. This place too has no vacancies. As I am walking out I get a phone call from Miles. He is stuck.
It turns out that the parking lot is broken up by medians and we cannot turn around to get out. After trying to back out for about ten minutes Miles is completely frustrated and he starts unhooking the car to take it off the trailer. We get the car off (after I have to push it forward enough to loosen the chains so Miles can unhook it) and the truck turned around. We even got the car back on the trailer but we encounter some problems winching the ropes tight around the tire leaving Miles with a bleeding finger and both of us completely covered in black car dirt and grease. This fiasco lasts about a half hour.
We drive across the street to the Hampton Inns which we can clearly see has a parking lot we can get out of. I run in and find out they are all booked. But, the very nice ladies their called the Best Western (100 yards away) to see if they have any rooms. They do. So we drive there and finally get a room.
While I regale the employees with our traveling tale Miles parks the truck. We aren’t sure if we will be able to get out tomorrow because we might get blocked in but we get parked anyway. After cleaning our hands and arms we get dinner at Subway and return to the room to eat. Not five minutes later Miles has dumped marinara and meatballs from his sub all down his shorts. It is on that note that our night ends.
The beauty of this story is that we get to do it all over again tomorrow.
(Miles making margaritas)
Ok...back to my bitter diatribe on moving and the wonders of it all. I am starting to think there are a lot of things we can live without. I mean, who really needs a spice rack? Really. Would I die without a spice rack? Because I really don't want to pack it and move it 3000 miles.
Miles just said he was going to help this time [with the packing]. That is great but the best part is that he followed it up with "for the first time ever." Do you have any idea how many times we have moved? At my work we did this get to know you activity where we had to get in line in order of number of siblings, followed by number of places we have lived. In both cases I was at the high end of the line. I work with people twice my age. I should not have moved more times then an 50 year old. I am 22 and I have moved 9 times in 5 years...we are about to make that 10 times. My mom has dedicated 2 pages of her address book to me because she has to change the listing every 6 months or so. You would think I would have moving down to a science. Not so the case. I guess one benefit is that we leave with less stuff every time...so, until now, it has been getting easier.