Miles with his BIG truck...
Picking up the truck was no problem. It honestly went very smoothly. We followed Mike to his place in Bellevue. Changing lanes was a little scary, but we made it there without incident. We had all his stuff loaded by 9 which was amazing and we headed to our place to load our stuff. We did hit some traffic getting back to our apartment but by 11:30 we had everything in the truck and it was the perfect size. We had lunch and cleaned our apartment so it wouldn’t stick when I get back to Seattle in a month. Getting the car onto the car lift thing was a little rough as the car is too low and it scrapped the bumper a tad. I actually had to lift the front in order to winch down the cord holding the tire (again, notice my extreme strength).
Right before we left the owner of my apartment building shows up so I tell her about the door handle and I go back to the apartment that we have already locked up…we were about to drive away…to let her son fix the problem. I was waiting for him to get his tools, so I figured I would take one more look around to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything. And what do you know, all of Miles’ travel clothes (some of his favorites) are sitting in their plastic bag in the closet just waiting to be left. Thankfully our apartment manager was doing work on the apartments because otherwise we would have had to re-live the Italy incident in which Miles left all his travel clothes for our ten day trip locked in the school and we had to go find shirts and shorts in Rome with our limited budget.
Even with all this we were on the road by 1:30. We were hoping to be all loaded and on our way by 3pm so we were really happy that we had eaten lunch and set up my stuff in the apartment and after all that we were over an hour ahead of schedule.
Miles freaking out at the size of the truck.
So far the rest of the trip has been without incident. But, then again we have 7 more days of driving and we are bound to have some problems. We went 45mph up the pass and maintained a steady 55mph the rest of the way to Coeur d’Alene, which is where we are now. The first two motels we tried to stay at were over $150 for their cheapest room but the Super 8 motel across the street turned out to be a bargain at $65+tax and that includes free Wi-Fi. The truck is even parked in such a way that we can drive straight out of the parking lot. This is good, as we can’t go reverse in the truck. It won’t let us.
Hopefully my next update will be tomorrow and much shorter due to fewer incidences of stupidity.
We feel your pain. Right before the leasing office came in for our walk through, our dog decided to puke all over the place. So I had to go down to the dumpster and fish out the cleaning products we JUST threw away. I had to do it with a large stick (really a rolled up piece of cardboard) because I couldn't reach the bottom of the dumpster. We're planning to do the drive in three days, but I am skeptical.
Goodness, that reminds me the day before we left for Massachusetts. We had a flat tire, realized Zach's loan didn't go through, the cigarette lighters didn't work and I was running around town like crazy. =o)
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