The second Tuesday of July, for some, hails a great American pasttime. Baseball's All-Star game is perenially on this day. You might think, me who says baseball IS my religion, that I love watching the game. In reality I hate the All-Star festivities, and that hate is only redoubled because the All-Star game also signals the 3 most worthless days on the sports calendar. At best there are some basketball Summer League highlights and perhaps some NFL or NBA hot stove rumors. Otherwise there's nada, every sport is on some hiatus. So, while its 90 freaking degrees outside, there isn't a sporting event worth watching anywhere. King Co's juvenille courthouse has NO A/C, so right now all I want to do is crawl into our apartment, sit in front of our own A/C, and watch some manner of sporting event....but I'm screwed.
Don't get me wrong, the MLB's All-Star game is the best of the bunch, but its still the best of a bad lot. 30 years ago the game was about league pride, and we had Pete Rose running over Ray Fosse at home as evidence. Now? Now some of the starters couldn't be in any more of a hurry to get out of the game and head for their plane home. The game is no longer baseball, its become solely a marketing gimmic.
And yet you watch it every year. If only there were other sports to watch.
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