*Catch Up: Miles and I are leaving for Hoboken, NJ on the 26th of July. Miles will be attending law school at Rutgers-Newark this fall and this is the reason for the move. He starts classes around the 20th of August. We are hoping to be in NJ on the 1st giving us about 3 weeks until Miles starts school. My younger brother (the third child, Elias) is getting married on the 18th so I have to fly to Spokane for the wedding before returning to Seattle to finish up my masters program. I start my full time student teaching on the 23rd of August so it all works out pretty well. I am done student teaching on the 7th of December and while I program will not be completed I will be moving to NJ at this time. I will complete the last quarter of my masters through a distance learning option that I am working to start at UW.*
So at this point I have bought my ticket to get me from NJ to my brother's wedding. It is going to be a long trip with two connections...from Newark to Portland to Seattle to Spokane. I am hoping that my sister will drive me home (to Seattle) because as despite how much fun it would be I do NOT want to be trapped in a van for 5 hours with my other 7 or so younger siblings. I am a little worried that I will miss one of my connections and thus ruin all my hard planning but whatever. It is out of my hands now.
What is still up to me is what I pack. I am going to be in NJ for almost 3 weeks and I will be away from my apartment in Seattle for almost a month. This leads me to believe that I will need quite a few items of clothing and the standard day to day stuff that you don't really want to go a whole month without. Oh, and I will need whatever I plan on wearing to the wedding. On the other hand, I would love not to have to check a bag on my flight back. If for some reason I miss a connection I don't want my baggage going on without me as I would end up missing the wedding and going straight to Seattle, not Spokane (the baggage destination).
My other struggle at this very moment is over what we have to leave here. Miles is taking almost everything. We are leaving me with just enough to get by with. We are going to have to buy some new things that we don't really need but because we will be living apart we both need one. For example, we are buying a new microwave so we can both have one. But, what do I really need for 4 months?
After I have finished my student teaching I will move to NJ but the plan right now is for me to sell everything that I can't get into a suitcase, get on a plan, and show up in NJ. Miles will be taking finals so he can't come get me. Now I am worried that I will have way to much stuff that I want to keep to put all of it in a suitcase. For example, I have three blankets that I was thinking of using on the twin bed we are going to get for me, but if I want to keep them in NJ (which I do) I will have to move them there and I can't fit them in the suitcase. I could ship them...but would it be cheaper to just buy me a cheap duvet that I can sell or toss in December and move the blankets I was thinking of using with Miles now? Also, I have a lot of class work that I need with me while student teaching but I will also need it in my final quarter so I will have to move that to NJ. I guess I could ship it but again, how much will that cost? In the end it doesn't really matter because it costs what it costs but I can't help but think that there is a lot with this move that is going to catch us off guard and it is going to be a lot more of a hassle then we are planning on. - Hannah
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