Sunday, July 8, 2007

Drinks and Fashion

So, one of the other things I am worried about is my lack of fashion. Living next to the ultra trendy, sexy, fashionable NYC is going to force me into completely revamping my wardrobe (something I should be looking forward to but really I am dreading).

So this all came about because when we went to NJ to find an apartment we went to a show in Chelsea. Our friend's sister was in the show and she got us tickets. It was really fun and we were going to grab a drink or two at a bar with her after the show. She got a call from two of her friends and they were going out and they wanted her to join them. So we did. The club/bar was the penthouse of a hotel where the minimum priced room was over $450. The rooftop bar was complete with pool, bouncer, and a little rope letting the desirables in and keeping the undesirables far far away. Oh, and all the seating was reserved for parties buying bottles of booze.

Miles and I had walked from the Natural History Museum (81st street) to the show (19th street) plus a little extra and I was hot, sweaty, and wearing khakis, a black t-shirt, and Nike flip-flops. Not exactly dressed for the NY club scene. After having a little panic attack that everyone else would get in and I would be left standing on the wrong side of the rope they let us all in and the five of us got drinks...80 bucks for 5 drinks. That I was not expecting though I don't know why I thought it would be cheaper.

Of course, no great NY drink could ever be as good as the mammoth margaritas I had with my TEP girls.

1 comment:

Margie said...

that drink looks yummy